Strawberry Charlotte Cake

Pastry Cream Ingredients ½ Cup Sugar ¼ Cup Sugar Pinch Salt 2 Egg Yolks 1 Cup Milk 1 Tablespoon Butter 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Whipping Cream 200 ml Whipping cream Condensed milk according to sweetness 1 Teaspoon Vanilla essence Directions In a sauce pan add sugar, corn flour and salt and mix well. Mix egg yolks and milk. ( Both egg yolks and milk should be at same temperature. ie, Either cold or at room temperature) Pour egg and milk mix into sauce pan while stirring. Stir and mix well. Add the butter. Turn on the flame and Cook on medium flame by stirring continuously. It'll start thickening. When it starts bubbling cook for 1 - 2 minutes more stirring continuously. Turn off the flame Add vanilla and mix well. Sieve and pour in a bowl. Cover with cling wrap. Cling film should touch the custard. (to avoid formation of thin film on the top) Refrigerate atleast for 2 hours. Whip the whipping cream. It'll be very thick, so beat well till it becomes silky sm...