Fatayer Taliani




1 Cup Luke Warm Water

1 Tbspn. yeast

1 Tbspn. Sugar

1-2 Tbspn. Olive oil 

3-3.5 Cup flour (more if needed)

1 Tbspn Milk powder

1/4 tspn baking powder (optional)

Salt as needed

Proof yeast in luke warm water with sugar.

Add olive oil and mix well.

Mix flour, baking powder, salt and milk powder

Add in the yeast mix and knead to a non sticky soft dough.

Cover and let it double for 1-2hrs



4-5 Eggs boiled and chopped

4-5 hotdogs chopped

1  tomato (finely chopped)

Small piece of Capsicum (finely chopped)




Mayonnaise or labneh or both

Mozarella cheese

Mix everything together.

Divide the dough into balls.

Roll, brush some oil add the filling and fold.

Make fatayers of your desired shape and size and bake at 200°C preheated oven for 15-18 min. Or till done


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